... can't bake! What's a girl to do?!
Dream about them. Think about them.
Hope someone else makes them and likes to share :)
If that someone is you, click here for the recipe and directions ...
I gave up after the "making dough ropes" step.
If I baked I would help you out with them. I am sure my best friend will love them though!
Dana - those are made from store bought dough. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Think of it as playing with playdough! Give it a try!!! THe worst that can happen is you end up with some fugly sugar cookies??? How bad can that be? Just don't make them to share with the outside world on your first attempt. But I am fairly certain that you, a non GD pregnant momma, NHV, a nonjudgemental 2 yo and CPV, a man who loves his desserts can house them even if they are not pretty!
Can't help you out over here. I gave up baking for Lent i 2003. They are super-cute though.
I have baked lots of things that are supposed to come out pretty, but when I do it, it doesn't work. They usually still taste really good, and I suppose that is what really matters.
I wish I was more like Martha.
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