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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top Ten Thursday - Online Time Wasters

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Top Ten Online Time Wasters Things I Should be Doing Other than Wasting Time Online:

  1. Working on Natalie's 1st Year Photo Book ... but that's on Shutterfly, so technically it's online. And, yes, my daughter is two years old; I am just not ready to give up on that dream.
  2. Painting the canvas for my friend Jenn's nursery letter project, an idea she borrowed from me and now I am paying for it by having to find the time to do it!
  3. Reading a good book. It has been entirely too long since I read something just for me - you know, something other than What to Expect When You're Expecting, The Toddler Book, How to Please your Man, ...
  4. Organizing my thousands of photo files. I spent an hour on this earlier today and made little to no progress.
  5. Installing and learning to use Adobe Photoshop. I love Google Picasa and use it for all things photo-related, but I know that I am missing out on the power of Photoshop.
  6. Watching the Netflix movie that has been setting next to the DVD player for two weeks now. My husband is going to kill me!
  7. Updating stuff for my moms' group - I am sure there are new members to approve and a newsletter to be written.
  8. Planning strategies for binky-breaking, potty training, and big bed transitioning
  9. Lying out in the hammock enjoying this gorgeous night air and clear skies
  10. Going to bed ... 'cause goodness knows I need my beauty sleep!
If you think my list is fun, you should visit My Messy Paradise, It's a Beauty Filled Life, Domestically Challenged, and In the Mommy Trenches for more Top Ten Thursday fun!


Deb said...

Great list! I'd never be able to narrow it down to just ten.

Emmett Joseph said...

Too funny--I may have to join this little group. You know how I LOVE countdowns!

Jessica said...

Yes, I can think of more than ten things I should be doing besides reading blogs... ;-)


do not feel bad, i am 3 years behind scrapping my son and i have yet to scrap one page for my daughter and she is one next month. you are never truly ever CAUGHT UP b/c you keep taking the pictures. i read in two places: the bathtub or the commode. You have to do both things, i.e. bathe and go the bathroom, so you may as well read a good book while you are doing it!

Laura and Kelly Allen said...

I so don't get how you moms have time to write daily blogs and be crafty and nurture your children. I find the last to be exhausting enough and she can't even sit up yet.
I love Photoshop. I'm pretty novice, but once you learn Photoshop speak, it gets easier. And, it helps that all of the Creative Suite basically uses the same language.
By the way, is there a Baby Brains in the works? I'd love some awesome baby activity blogging from you. :)

Big Mama Cass said...

I so know what you mean. I could make a list of 12398510923874109238 things that I should be doing instead of being online! !lol

MommyBrain said...

Oh geez, Laura had to ask didn't she ... yes, I've started making plans for a BabyBrain ... mainly because I am CRAZY! I've already secured a blogger URL for it, but I promised to give ToddlerBrain my full attention for at least two months ... so I guess it's fair to say ... coming this fall ... BabyBrain :)

Chi-town momma said...

Dana - you are officially INSANE! Three blogs sister? Nutso! Granted I will read each one, but still, nutso!

Suzy said...

Great list! I'm still working on my baby book for my 1 1/2 year old; oh wait, correction because by "working on it" I really mean putting things in a box in the hopes that someday I will get her book done. Argh!
I did however get my 3 year old finished so there just may be a light at the end of the (baby book) tunnel.

LZ @ My Messy Paradise said...

Going to bed and reading - so simple, and so important!
I just made a plan to read more books and to get to bed by 10, at least a few nights a week. So far, so good, but I think I'm just getting better at wasting MORE time online during the day to fit in books and sleep!

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