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Thursday, April 15, 2010

View from a Park Bench

Weather was gorgeous here today.  After dinner we loaded up both girls in the Mac Daddy Sit-n-Stand stroller and headed to the park.  On most trips to the park, I am the one chasing after NHV, pushing the swing, issuing warnings, "Be careful.  No pushing.  Watch the swings."

Tonight, I was able to sit on the sidelines.  Charlotte and I found a spot on the bench ... and just took it all in.

Here are a few random observations:
  • Of the five families, we were each originally from a different country.  How amazing is that?!
  • One father ran around with complete kid-like abandon.  He chased kids.  He made up games.  He was having more fun than anyone else at the park!  I am also guessing that was quite a workout!  When was the last time I ran around like a child ... arms waving, screaming, laughing?  Need to do that soon :)
  • Another father arrived with his two daughters ... one of them (old enough to be potty trained) was wearing footsie pajamas and tennis shoes.  Couldn't help it; I chuckled out loud!  Moms and dads have very different ideas when it comes to appropriate wardrobe choices. And then I thought perhaps she is one of those preschoolers who become obsessed with an article of clothing.  It happens.  I wore the same Mickey Mouse sweatshirt for an entire school year.  And, really, does it matter?!
  • Cell phones should be left at home or at least turned off when playing at the park with your kids.  Heard a kid pleading with his mom to pay attention to him, to play with him, to watch what he was doing.  All while she chatted on the phone.  Perhaps there was a really good reason for that conversation. But I wonder if she saw that scene playing out before her, if she'd make a different decision.
I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed my view from the bench.


Noelle said...

I want to run and play on the playground with abandon. I think I'll give it a shot very soon. I bet it is very freeing.

Tyler said...

Great photo!

Jessica {Team Rasler} said...

Sorry we missed you; we were there probably a bit earlier in the afternoon! I had a great view of a daddy running around like that a while back. Such a joyful time he and his daughter were having.

Raising Z and Lil C said...

that image of the kid in the jammies and tennis shoes made me chuckle. Sounds like a great night and I am with you as far as cell phones go!

Chi-town momma said...

Daddies have NO fashion sense - which can be funny when it isn't your own kid!
I'm thinking I need a day where I can sit on the park bench and take it all in...

MommyLisa said...

I only use my blackberry to snap and tweet cute pics from the park! :) Usually only tweet one...I am too busy playing TAG!

Elena Sonnino said...

Love the dad who was having more fun than the kids! Every adult needs to go be a kid at a park sometimes!

BJ_Mama said...


I agree with the phone thing. My sister is CONSTANTLY on the phone. And what really chaps my thighs is she is usually on the phone with my when Grandma's over at our house, I think her cell rings 3x more than ours does in a whole day! (and it's ALWAYS my sister)

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