After two years of infancy, Charlotte Jane is finally starting to look like a toddler. The pigtails help with that, but she has also gotten taller and much sturdier in the past six weeks. It must be a growth spurt or something! Despite the fact that she is still wearing size 9 - 12 month clothes, she is looking more her age.
She has recently developed a love of "reading," which consists mainly of pulling every book off the shelf, flipping through a few pages, tossing that book, digging through the stack for another, and repeating the process. She especially loves books that can be sung to her ... Hush Little Baby, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Hickory, Dickory Dock are her favorites.
Yep, there's no denying that she is most certainly behaving like a toddler.
And, folks, toddlerhood is exhausting. Why didn't someone remind me of that?
Having a toddler is also a lot of fun! Charlotte is so funny. She cracks herself up ... and I laugh along. She smiles with her whole face and has the best giggle!
Just today she found a pair of Natalie's sunglasses ... made faces in the mirror and played peek-a-boo ... just so pleased with herself! I managed to catch her in the glasses ... with her mouth wide open!